Celebrate Mental Health Recovery with

First United Pentecostal Church

A safe place for anyone who would like to celebrate mental health recovery through a faith based program

Located in 1640 west 93rd avenue, Merrillville Indiana

Group Therapy

Experience therapy through the companionship and accountability of a group

Faith Based

Experience God’s healing power through the 12 step program

Talk therapy

Process hardships through communicating your problems and working with others who are similar.

An array of resources

12 Step Celebrating Recovery Programs offer numerous free resources for those who struggle with mental health, including talk therapy, worship, and books

Celebrate Recovery with Life Sanctuary Church

Celebrate Recovery is a widespread community provided by various organizations such as churches. The purpose of Celebrating Recovery is to provide a support group to those who are struggling with mental health to pursue recovery through the accountability and closure of the group. Participants in the group may discuss struggles and successes regarding recovery and receive support through the community. Celebrate Recovery is for those who are actively struggling with mental health or know someone who is struggling with mental health and want to receive support through a faith based community.

“We’re all looking at the people around us, the people who have gone before us who have succeeded in recovery and have long-term sobriety and they are an illustration for us of how good it can be.” ~ Scott Stevens

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